BGMI 90 FPS Config File

Welcome! Get the BGMI 90 FPS Config File for super smooth gaming at 90 frames per second. This file boosts your device’s performance for lag-free, fluid gameplay. Download now to level up your BGMI experience!

Are you struggling to get smooth gameplay in BGMI at 90 FPS?

BGMI is a popular battle royale game, but sometimes it can be hard to get the best performance, especially at a high frame rate like 90 FPS. This can lead to laggy and choppy gameplay, which nobody wants.

On this Website, we’re offering a special BGMI 3.2 90 FPS config file to help fix that issue. It’s designed to optimize your game’s graphics settings so you can play BGMI smoothly at 90 FPS even on modest hardware.

We’ll provide the latest 3.2 version of this config file that works with BGMI, PUBG and PUBG KR. It’s safe to use and can really improve your experience. By the end, your BGMI gameplay at 90 FPS should be nice and smooth!

Before getting the config file we have to know that

What is FPS?

FPS stands for frames per second, it is a measurement of how many images your game displays every second. The higher the FPS, the smoother your game will look and feel. Think of it like flipping through a stack of pictures rapidly; The faster you turn, the smoother the motion will appear.

How does FPS affect the gaming experience?

Higher FPS can greatly improve your gaming experience. With more frames per second, animations become smoother, and the game feels more responsive. This can give you a competitive edge, especially in a fast-paced game like BGMI where every millisecond counts.

Standard FPS in BGMI

Default fps settings

BGMI typically runs at 30 to 60 FPS on most devices. These settings are designed to balance performance and battery life. However, some high-end devices may exceed these limits.

System Requirements

To play BGMI, you need a good smartphone with at least 2 GB RAM and a stable internet connection. However, for the best experience, a more powerful device is recommended.

importance of 90 FPS in BGMI

  • Benefits of high FPS: Higher FPS in BGMI means smoother gameplay. This helps you react faster and makes the game more responsive. For competitive players, this could be a game-changer.
  • Competitive edge: In a fast-paced game like BGMI, every millisecond counts. higher FPS gives you a competitive edge by reducing input lag and making your movements more precise.
  • Visual experience: Running BGMI at 90 fps enhances the visual experience. The activities feel more natural, and the game feels more immersive. It’s like the difference between watching a movie in standard definition and high definition.

What is config file?

The configuration file is a configuration file that allows you to customize settings in the game. It’s like a cheat sheet that tells the game how to run certain features.

How do config files work in games?

Config files are read when the game starts. They can override default settings and apply custom configurations. This way you can make changes to performance and graphics settings.

Common uses of config files

Gamers use configuration files to optimize performance, change graphics settings, and unlock hidden features. They are a powerful tool for customizing your gaming experience.

BGMI 3.2 90 FPS config file

Config File90 FPS Config File
VersionLatest Update 3.2
Safe100% Safe
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How to Apply 90 FPS config file

Step 1: Download the configuration file from the provided download button.

Step 2: Install the ZArchiver app from the Google Play Store.

Step 3: Open the ZArchiver app, locate the downloaded ZIP file containing the configuration, and extract its contents.

Step 4: After extracting the files, navigate to the following directory: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/Game Folder/files. Copy the extracted files and paste them into this directory.

Step 5: You have now successfully applied the configuration file.

Step 6: Close all background apps and launch the game application.

Testing the 90 FPS Configuration

After installing the configuration file, you need to check whether it is working or not:

  • Check FPS: Use in-game settings or third-party apps like FPS meter to see if FPS has increased.
  • Measure FPS: Tools like GameBench can give you detailed FPS readings.

Common Issues and Solutions

If the game crashes or won’t start, try reinstalling the configuration file. Make sure your device meets the hardware requirements for 90 FPS.

Gameplay Tips for Smooth Performance

In-game settings adjustments

Lower some graphics settings like shadows and texture quality if you experience lag. Give priority to settings that directly affect FPS.

network optimization

Ensure a stable internet connection. Use reliable Wi-Fi networks and minimize interference from other devices.

Regular Updates and Maintenance

Keep BGMI and your device’s software updated. This helps ensure compatibility and optimal performance.

Alternative to using config files

Improving your skills through practice and adjusting in-game settings can increase accuracy even without external files.


In this article, I have shared BGMI 3.2 90 FPS Config File With You. I hope you have liked it Please do share it with your friends and follow our blog for more. Always download config files from our trusted sources and follow installation instructions carefully. Happy gaming!

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